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  • Inspect HVAC and furnace filters; replace every 2-3 months.
  • Clean range hood filters.
  • Check water softener.
  • Look for leaks around toilets and sinks.
  • Inspect sink drains and remove any clogs.
  • Vacuum heat registers and vents.
  • Clean garbage disposal.


  • Deep clean.
  • Test the pressure relief valve on the water heater.
  • Replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Vacuum refrigerator coils (depending on the age of the fridge).



  • Service your A/C
  • Check gutters and drainage
  • Roof inspection
  • Test your sump pump
  • Check grout in bathroom and kitchen
  • Check windows and screens
  • Inspect sidewalks, walkways, and driveway
  • Power-wash siding
  • Seed and fertilize the lawn
  • Inspect kids’ play equipment


  • Clean ducts
  • Sweep chimney
  • Get heating systems ready
  • Clean clothes dryer vent
  • Clean garage
  • Inspect decks
  • Check your siding
  • Test lawn irrigation
  • Prune trees and shrubs


  • Winterize A/C.
  • Flush and store hoses.
  • Check gutters and drainage.
  • Drain the water heater.
  • Look for signs of pests.
  • Aerate the lawn.
  • Seal cracks and gaps in windows.
  • Power-wash siding.
  • Rake and remove leaves.
  • Fix driveway cracks or gaps.
  • Clean window and door screens.
  • Fix squeaky door handles or loose hinges.
  • Insulate exposed pipes.
  • Cover and store outdoor furniture.


  • Break icicles
  • Watch for ice dams
  • Check for drafts
  • Remove showerheads and clean
  • During thaws, check the basement for leaks 

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